Arrivals and breeding data, breeding seasons 2010/11 and 2011/12 (Australian summer)
Minimum adult males returned 13 14
Minimum adult females returned 8 8
Minimum breeding pairs 8 8
Female breeding participation rate 100% 100%
Fledglings from nest boxes 11 11
Minimum juveniles produced from natural nests 16 3
Total juveniles 27 14
Total known to be alive 48 36
Founders collected 21 0
Total presumed to have migrated
from Melaleuca in autumn 27 36
The update states: 'These numbers are a minimum estimate because not all birds in the population are banded, and the numbers of unbanded birds are limited to the maximum observed at the same time'.
The update states: 'These numbers are a minimum estimate because not all birds in the population are banded, and the numbers of unbanded birds are limited to the maximum observed at the same time'.